Product Datasheet
Fluxbond 200
Arkansas Nepheline Syenite
Chemical Analysis
Silicon Dioxide (si02), 59.80
Aluminum Dioxide (Al203), - 17.40
Iron (ferric) Oxide (Fe203), 2.50
Iron (ferrous) Oxide (Fe0), 1.40
Titanium Dioxide (Ti02), 0.93
Calcium Oxide (Ca0), 1.40
Magnesium Oxide (Mg0), 0.94
Manganese Oxide (Mn0), 0.29
Sodium Oxide (Na20), 6.20
Potassium Oxide (K20) - 6.30
Other Trace Elements, 0.52
Loss of Ignition*, 1.10
* @ 1000 C
Physical Properties
Raw Color, Light Gray
Hardness, 5.5-6 (Mohs) Range
PH, 9
Specific Gravity, 2.63
Bulk Density: Wt.lbs./ft 3 STM C29, 65
Dry Brightness (GE, ASTM E 97), 27
Typical Screen Analysis
Retained (Wet)
100 Mesh, 5
Specific Surface Ares (SSA), 1.52
Note: All data given and statements made herein are believed to be typical data; however, no guarantee of their accuracy is made or implied. Our products are sold on the condition that the user will evaluate the material, as well as our formulas and recommendations to determine their suitability for the purpose.